Recycled News products are created and manufctured by Earthbound Creations in Kandy, Sri Lanka. Earthbound Creations manufacture Recycled Handmade Crafts,
Newspaper Pencils, Newspaper Handicrafts, Newspaper Bowls & Bins, Newspaper & Recycled Paper Bags and much more. The business operates as a social enterprise
model (SEM), where employees are working from their own homes and deliver the finished products to the business centre. The focus is on empowering women and
rural youth through employment.
It is a fully home grown company and has progressed from humble beginnings, employing just 3 people in 2013, to employing nearly 360 people in 2016.
A main reason for their success is the unique Sri Lankan design flavor inherent in their products. The entire production process is eco-friendly and labor
intensive using waste materials. The processes allow employment of people from unskilled to semi-skilled as well as skilled professionals.
Earthbound Creations produce a line of products which are now being exported to countries such as Italy, UK, USA, Australia, Qatar, Germany, Hong Kong,
Maldives and the Netherlands.
EarthboundCreations believe that creativity, innovation and community involvement, together form a catalyst for better business. They are not just passionate
purveyors of recycled
handmade products, but everything else that goes with a deep community engagement. That’s the essence of what they will do – but it hardly tells the whole story.
- RN.BS Recycled News Basket - small (16cm)
- RN.BM Recycled News Basket - medium (20cm)
- RN.BL Recycled News Basket - large (28cm)
- RN.BXL Recycled News Basket - Extra Large (40cm)
- RN.PS Recycled News Pencil - single
- RN.PT80 Recycled News Pencil - tub 80 pencils